"How You Can Make An Extra £150 A Day (Or More) From Home By Tapping Into My Viral Code Cash Secret..."
Former Taxi Driver Discovers How To Beat The Youngsters At Their Own Game And Rake In An Effort-Free Daily Income By Generating And Copying Simple Ideas That Go Viral Online.
Dear Streetwise Customer,
I think you’d like my ‘working’ day…
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You see, I don’t have a job and I don’t have a boss. There’s no alarm clock, no early starts, and no commute. I work when and where I choose, and when I say where I choose…I mean anywhere I choose.
It just so happens that I like to work from home, but that’s just me. Truth is, I could do what I do anywhere in the world where there’s a broadband connection. And so could you. That’s the only thing you need to do what I do.
I don’t buy anything and I don’t sell anything. I don’t really provide a service either – not in the traditional sense. And yet every month, several thousand pounds drop into my bank account, and it all comes about because I find interesting, amusing or useful ideas which people love to share for me online….for free!
And when they do, I make money.
I’m sure you’ve seen them…
The video’s, jokes, posts and articles that go viral on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media, and quickly spread to thousands and then millions of people.
Well what you might not realise are two things:
...And most of the time, you don’t even need to come up with the idea yourself…you just need to find them!
Up and down the UK, there is a small band of home-based entrepreneurs creating simple viral websites that act like magnets to social media users.
People like me!
People Who Have Cracked The Viral Code
Often, we don’t create anything ourselves, but simply find and then share, video’s, jokes and posts which we know will pull people in and ‘force’ them to share.
And every time someone clicks on our post or visits our website, we get paid. Maybe not much each time, but it stacks up!
Can you imagine – getting paid every time someone shares something you’ve found or created. Sounds crazy doesn’t it.
Well I suppose it is crazy when I think about it, but it happens!
And if you stick with me, I’ll tell you what I do, how I do it, and how you can be up and running and copying me in next to no time. I’ll even direct you to the websites where I start the whole process rolling, so you can see for yourself.
Let Me Introduce Myself…
My name is Ian Walsh and I’m not a natural for this, I’m really not. Truth is that I used to be a bit of technophobe and didn’t even have a Facebook or Twitter account before I got into this. So for me to be making £150 a day getting people to share silly ideas via social media, just seems crazy.
But it’s happened.
I copy, create, and develop ideas which I then encourage other people to share via their social media accounts.
It’s a bit like lighting the blue touch paper on a firework…
I just stand back and wait for the slow burn to become more of a visible flame and then BOOM….it takes off. And when it does there’s nothing more to do other than stand and watch. With a firework, it usually culminates in a cascade of sparks. With one of my ideas, it culminates in a cascade of cash…one that just keep growing as the sharing continues.
I know what you’re thinking…this has to be harder than it sounds…
Well take a look at this….
I want to tell you about one of the most widely shared posts on Facebook in 2017. It was shared by over five million people. Just pause to think about that for a moment…
Five MILLION people!
Can you imagine how much money you could make from a post shared by five million people? So the content of the post must have been pretty special.
The post that was shared by over 5 million people was a simple quiz about grammar. That’s right grammar….commas, semi-colons, full stops…that kind of thing.
Can you believe that over 5 million people were so excited by a quiz about grammar that they shared it with all their Facebook friends? The truth is that quiz’s are a massive pull on Facebook.
Reckon you could come up with something more interesting than a quiz about grammar?
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Well I’ll show you how to set up your own Facebook quiz. Get it right and that £40,000 a year we’ve talked about will start to look like peanuts. Heck, the most successful viral sites can pull in as much as £500,000…a month! One even sold for $100M.
But quiz’s are just one type of viral content. There are many others and that’s just one of the things I want to tell you about it as I help you unlock The Viral Code. Here are a few more…
When I first got into this I made £40,000 in a year, starting from scratch. I’ve moved on to other ideas and sites but the content I created back in 2014-15 is still paying me an income today.
I’ve teamed up with Viral content veteran Andi Leeman and put everything I know about this fascinating money-making goldmine into a brand new cash-generating programme presented via ground-breaking manual and 53 bite-sized, easy to digest videos. Here are some of the things you’ll learn about viral content that makes money:
Anyone Can Do This…
I know one guy, Martin, who was unemployed and on benefits just a couple of years ago. He started his own viral site, pretty much raging against the government and the ‘man.’
Despite having no knowledge of websites or ‘techy stuff’, and never having written a word about anything since leaving school, he quickly built up a healthy following who empathised, and shared his posts.
Within just a few short months, he was making over £2,500 a month and no longer on benefits.
If He Can Do It, Anyone Can!
Imagine how much better prepared you’ll be with the benefit of our experience and knowledge behind you. The manual and 53 videos which make up the formal part of the course are just the start. We’ll be on hand via email and social media to help you every step of the way as you start creating your viral content and then sharing it with the world.
You’ll be left in no doubt what to do and how to do it. Here are some more things I’m going to teach you:
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Plus the inside track on all the boring technical bits (which are actually ridiculously easy) like hosting, widgets, plug-in’s, share and like buttons, and autoresponders.
Remember, you can get your basic website up and running in under 4 minutes!
The great thing about all of this is that once you’ve set it all up, it pretty much runs on autopilot – generating cash for you when you’re at work, at the gym, in the pub, on holiday, relaxing in front of the TV or whatever.
Yes, even when you’re sleeping!
Isn’t that great? Once you have your website and viral content ‘live’ it continues to make money for you for as long as people are sharing it….
You do something once and it just keeps paying!
And all you then need to do is add additional income streams by coming up with even more great viral content using the techniques and strategies I’m going to be showing you.
We’ve covered a lot of ground already, so I want to sum up in a nutshell what you’ll learn in The Viral Code...
1. How to set up websites which will be the ‘base’ for your viral content
A lot of people are stuck in the old days and think setting up a website is difficult, or something for the experts. Truth is that the big players like Wordpress have made it ridiculously easy for anyone without experience, to set up their own website using their templates. It’s like painting by numbers, but without the mess. I’ll show you how to do it in four minutes or less. If you’ve ever wanted to set up a website but, thought it was too difficult or complicated, prepare to be amazed!
How much quicker and easier could it be?
2. How to find, generate and create, online content that will go viral
You can come up with ideas yourself (I’ll show you how) or you can steal other people’s ideas. To be brutally honest, that’s what we’ve done for the most part. It’s quicker, easier, and absolutely anyone can do it.
3. How to use social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get other people to share this content for you and make it go viral.
This is the key really. Don’t worry if you don’t have accounts yet. We can have them all set up and running for you in just a few minutes. They’re the gateway to tens of millions of people worldwide, every one of whom could spread your viral content.
All along the way, you’ll be making money in a number of exciting ways….
Advertising Revenue
Companies like Facebook, Google and Youtube (to name just three) exist and flourish because they sell advertising alongside the content they provide. Guess what? When you create viral content, you’re creating a platform for them to sell advertising alongside, and they’ll often pay you a little bit of money every time someone looks at your viral content.
Product Sales From Your Website
What you’re building with your viral content is an audience. It’s an audience which advertisers can exploit and it’s also an audience which you can exploit directly by selling products from your site. There are myriad opportunities, but for starters, I’ll show you how to link up with T Shirt companies so that you can sell shirts and get a large slice of the proceeds without ever having to take an order or produce, pack or despatch a single shirt. Everything is done for you.
In June 2016, two guys from Sheffield set up a Facebook page to share their Vegan cooking recipes. Their posts started to go viral and within 18 months they had well in excess of a million people following them on Facebook. In April 2018, they published a Vegan cookbook which became the fastest selling vegan cookbook in history…
And it was all on the back of the viral content they created, which in turn brought them followers….which in turn brought them a wall of cash flooding into their bank account.
The opportunity to do this for yourself is at your fingertips
Product Sales From Email Marketing
Once you’ve built your audience, you don’t have to wait for them to come back to your site before you can sell to them again. Email marketing is a huge opportunity to cash in on the audience you’ve created through your viral content. I’ll show you how to do this. Get it right and you can literally make…a fortune!
We’ve put everything you need to know about making money from viral websites in a new insider course you can learn from, right from, your computer screen. The Viral Code is brand new and nobody has seen it before today. You are one of the very first people to hear about it…
And I’m going to let you have a copy for next to nothing!
We’ve set the price for this at a very reasonable £797. That’s less than you can expect to make the very first week you put this into practice. When The Viral Code goes on sale to the general public later in the year, that’s the price it will be.
But as I said, I want to give you a great deal on this.
Well I have two reasons….
The first is as a thank you from our publishers for putting your trust in them thus far, and the second is a bit more self-serving for me!
Why We Need YOU!
You see, we’re looking to build up a network of people creating and sharing content that goes viral. Once you start creating viral content, it’s going to help if you have other Viral Code insiders who will ‘get the ball rolling’ by sharing your ideas to their subscribers and followers.
Does that make sense?
The more people we have in our network with their own sites and followers, the greater the number of people we can all access immediately to share what we’re doing…and the more money we’ll all make.
So here’s the deal…
If you agree to share at least 6 viral posts from others in our network each week (once you’re up and running of course) you can have access to the full Viral Code Programme, including The Viral Code Handbook, all 53 video’s, regular video updates, and access to unlimited help, advice and support for just £297. That’s a saving of £500 on the regular ‘general public price’.
It’s a win-win- for all concerned.
Make Money Or Your Money Back At £297 it’s the bargain to end all bargains. There’s no reason why you won’t be having fun and making profit very quickly, but I know you can’t know that for sure at this stage. So here’s the deal. Order a copy of The Viral Code on approval at the specially discounted price of £297. If, for any reason, you fail to make the profits I’ve talked about simply return the programme to us within 90 days, and your money will be returned in full. |
Quite frankly, the only way you won’t make money with this is if you don’t take action! But the guarantee is there for you just in case.
To become a Viral Code insider and get access to…
- The Viral Code Handbook
- 53 Video’s for you to view online
- Regular video updates
- Ongoing unlimited help advice and support
...on approval and without obligation
Click Here
Or call our 24 hour credit card hotline on 01709 361819
Either way, you can be up and running and on the path to making money within hours of receiving the package and putting it to work.
Order your copy of the programme now, while you’re thinking about it. This offer is open to the first 200 customers to respond only and The Viral Code will only be available at £797 after that.
Kind Regards,
Ian Walsh
Co-creator – The Viral Code
P.S You don’t need to know anything about social media or websites to make money from this. The programme will tell you everything you need to know.
PPS Remember the £297 special price is open to the first 200 customers only.
PPPS You can have your first website set up and primed for profit, in 4 minutes or less!
STOP PRESS OFFER! If you respond within the next 24 hours, my publishers have agreed to send you a special bonus, completely free of charge. It’s a 98 page manual called "Seven Of The Hottest Ways To Get Rich On The Internet" by Adam Stuart. You can get full details here. As I say, this is yours if you reply within the next 24 hours, and yours to keep even if you decide to return The Viral Code Programme under the money back guarantee. |
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